• 11.10.15


    A lot of people tend to confuse and mistaken fashion, style and trends. Fashion and trend is about the here and now, where as style is something that changes less frequently. As opposed to changing every season, it tends to switch up during phases etc. I used to think that I was all over the place when it came to fashion and clothes. One day I would wear jeans, a nice shirt and loafers and the next, it would a hoodie, jeans and converses. I recently discovered that there are different aspects to my style, especially depending on my mood, occasion and time of the month.

    When developing your own style, it’s important not to get too engrossed in actual trends because fashion comes back around and what’s on trend at that point in time may not be fitting with your style. I’m no fashion expert, however one of my favourite things about seasonal trends is that you can incorporate a piece into your personal style. For example, I love wearing shirts with jeans because it’s a mix of formal and casual. However some days, I’ll whip out the Adidas Sweater, just because it’s a nice incorporation into what I’m already wearing. Everyone likes to dress down every now and again, and that personally how I like to do it! This way, it’s still fitting in with my style, however adds a different take on my outfit yet doesn’t look like it’s not very “me”. I personally don’t like to deviate too far from my style, because I don’t feel as confident and comfortable, for example I couldn’t rock a full tracksuit or a backpack.


    What’s your take on style development?

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