• 31.5.15


    Just over a month ago, I shared with you what is in my everyday handbag, which consisted of what was in my bag at that current time, however there are a few more additional items that I would consider as some great additions to anyone’s handbag!  

    I love carrying my iPad mini with me; it’s the perfect size for travelling. I personally enjoy using mine for writing blog posts, or any ideas. One thing that I’ve found it especially useful for is for studying; instead of carrying around heavy books, I can just take photos on my iPad and it just takes up less room and makes my bag a lot lighter! Another handbag essential is a pen! You never know when you’re going to need a pen to sign something or jot something down, or even just to doodle if you get bored, and I’m sure if you don’t need it, someone around you will!

    Onto some beauty-esque essentials! The first is a powder; if like me, you get super oily throughout the day, a powder is your best friend. I absolutely hate having a shiny nose that represents that of Rudolph. My current favourite is the MAC Mineralise SkinFinish as it’s a lovely baked product that eliminates any shine, but still leaves a nice all-over glow. A lip balm is also on the cards as an essential. Sometimes my lips go through an annoying phase of being quite chapped and my Nuxe Reve De Miel doesn’t quite do the trick, at times like this, it calls for my trustee Burt’s Bee’s Lip Treatment* which is the best product I’ve tried for chapped lips! Living in London (or any city for that matter) you’ll find anti-bacterial gel a much-needed necessity. My ultimate fave is the Aesop Resurrection Hand Wash; it has a nice scent and does the job without leaving your hands a slippery mess.

    What are some of your handbag essentials?

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