• 30.5.15


    I love managing my time, and I’m very rarely, if ever, late, and you can ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you I’m an organization freak! I like to have things in order and allocate enough time to do each thing on my to-do-list well! Something I’m not great with, is dealing with my procrastination! It seems the more things I have to do, the more I procrastinate because most of the time I really don’t want to do it, such as coursework and revise for tests, hence why I tend to leave them to the last minute! Since I know my fair bit about time management, I thought I’d impart some of my tips on keeping yourself on track. 
    Make a To-Do-List
    Whether you make a weekly list or a daily one…make it! I love knowing what work or blog posts I need to do for the week and when it needs to be done by. I tend to put those with the closest deadline at the top and attempt to tackle them first. Not only will it ensure that you don’t forget anything, but it will also give you some satisfaction when crossing them off and weirdly, you’ll probably feel some sense of achievement.

    Keep Your Work With You
    I understand that sometimes it can be too heavy, but I sometimes take photos of the textbook on my phone so that if I’m out and about and find some time to myself, I can just do it there and then. Or if I want to write a blog post, I have a list of posts on my phone and therefore I can just choose whichever one I want to write about.

    Don’t Be Afraid To Say No
    This is one of the hardest, but the busier I’ve become, the easier it’s gotten. Its okay to say no to going out with someone if you have something due in the next day or an important test, meeting or commute etc.

    Find The Time When You’re The Most Productive
    There’s no point in working in the middle of the afternoon if you work best at the early hours of the morning, as it probably won’t filter in as well. My most productive times are either very early in the morning, as in 5am or late at night (very annoying as a girl needs her sleep!)

    Create A Study/Work Time
    By creating time that’s solely designated to studying, you’ll be able to fully concentrate on your work. Even if you don’t actually have any homework or coursework…revise or do something productive that’ll help towards what you want to do!

    Create A Timetable
    I know this can prove difficult for those with an ever-changing schedule, but by creating a timetable, you can see how much time you’re studying/at work, how much time you’ll need to do work at home and then you can see the amount of time left to socialize! Like I mentioned, I like knowing what I’m doing, when I'm doing it and what it will involve.

    Don’t Procrastinate!
    If, like me you find yourself doing anything but what you should; then check your to-do-list and get back on track. Sorting out your makeup can wait until later! If you’re stuck on a particular topic, contact your teacher/lecturer or call a friend, but don’t spend hours on the phone!

    Get A Good Night’s Sleep
    This can prove difficult, especially if you have to wake up early, yet you still want to watch the latest episode of Suits! But by getting a good sleep, will probably put you in a much better mood for the following day. If there’s one thing I despise, it’s waking up in the morning and thinking that I didn’t get enough sleep!

    How do you manage your time?

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